January 29, 2010


Hi Everyone!

I've been doing some new animal explorations for future ZOO BABIES characters. I came up with these characters in the fall and and I thought I should bring them to life and see if they had any potential for future products. I'm thinking they would make great patterns for a mom tote bag or something along that line. I'll be adding new illustrations and ideas periodically to stay in touch with my style and who knows, one day one of these might make it onto a product.

Well, Enjoy!


  1. These are really fun! I love the moose and the fox equally, but I find the fox looks a bit like a bee. Foxbee. Beefox? Wait... it's a wolf. Beewolf. Beowulf. Nevermind!

  2. Oh man I love them! Especially the moose! Maybe he should say "Canada, eh?" It would be funnier...
